school activities

School Announcement 学校通知:

July 25, 2024 坦帕湾中文学校2024秋季开学通知: 秋季授课将基本在USF教室进行 (Aug. 18 - Dec. 15, 2024). 秋季课程将在8月1日后开始接受网上报名。 在此之前或不愿网上报名注册者,可从学校网站的表格下载区下载注册表并按表中说明执行。
Fall 2024 classes online registration is now open; the registration form and calendar can also be downloaded from Forms Downloads area if you would choose not to register online. Please fill out the form and bring to the registration desk on the school opening day (8/18/24).

Dec. 26, 2022 坦帕湾中文学校2023春季开学通知: 春季授课将基本在USF教室进行 (Jan. 8. - May 21, 2023). 春季课程将在12月27日后开始接受网上报名。在此之前或不愿网上报名注册者,可从学校网站的表格下载区下载注册表并按表中说明执行。 Spring 2023 classes online registration is now open; the registration form and calendar can also be downloaded from Forms Downloads area.

July 29, 2022 坦帕湾中文学校2022秋季开学通知: 秋季授课将基本在USF教室进行 (Aug. 14 - Dec. 11, 2022). 秋季课程将在8月1日后开始接受网上报名。在此之前或不愿网上报名注册者,可从学校网站的表格下载区下载注册表并按表中说明执行。 Fall 2022 classes online registration is now open; the registration form and calendar can also be downloaded from Forms Downloads area.

May 20, 2022 坦帕湾中文学校2022夏季开学通知: 夏季授课将全部Zoom进行 (June 6 - July 31, 2022). 夏季课程将在5月24日后开始接受网上报名。在此之前或不愿网上报名注册者,可从学校网站的表格下载区下载注册表并按表中说明执行。 Summer 2022 classes registration form and calendar can be downloaded from Forms Downloads area.

Dec. 9, 2021 坦帕湾中文学校2022春季开学通知: 春季授课将照旧在USF校园课室+Zoom进行 (Jan. 9 - May 22, 2022). 春季课程将在12月13日后开始接受网上报名。在此之前或不愿网上报名注册者,可从学校网站的表格下载区下载注册表并按表中说明执行。 Spring 2022 classes registration form and calendar can be downloaded from Forms Downloads area.

July 24, 2021 坦帕湾中文学校2021秋季开学通知: 秋季授课将回归USF校园课室 (Aug. 15 - Dec. 12, 2021). 课程现在开始接受网上报名,详情请见校方通知 Fall 2021 Semester classes now are accepting online registration. Refer to School Announcement Board for more details.

Dec. 23, 2020 坦帕湾中文学校2021春季开学通知: 春季 (Jan. 10 - May 23, 2021) 网课班现在开始接受报名,详情请见校方通知 Spring 2021 Semester (online) classes now are accepting online registration. Refer to School Announcement Board for more details.

July 30, 2020 TBCS Fall 2020 classes are now ready for online registrations. Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, all classes will be taught via Zoom meeting till further notice. For latest school announcement, please go to our announcement page . For past event photos, please visit school's Facebook page.

Jan. 21, 2020 坦帕湾中文学校新课程通知 现定于2月初增开如下两门新课: 1. 成人中国竹笛/葫芦丝班,由蓝冰侠老师任教,每周日上午11时。教授竹笛和葫芦丝的基础知识、指法和气息、吹奏基础和技巧等。 2. 键盘乐器乐理和演奏,由李丹舟(霏霏)老师任教,每周日下午1时。教授器乐基本乐理、键盘乐器的基本指法和演奏技巧等。 We are pleased to announce that two new courses are being added in this semester, starting at the beginning of February: 1. Chinese musical instrument (flute/hulusi) for adults and 2. keyboard musical instrument theory and performance. Visit school classes page to sign up. For latest school announcement, please go to our announcement page . For past event photos, please visit school's Facebook page.

April 12, 2019 For latest school announcement, please go to our announcement page . For past event photos, please visit school's Facebook page.

Dec. 08, 2018 The last day of Fall school is December 16, 2018 and we will hold the annual student Story Telling Festival between 9:30 am and 3:30 PM. The annual event is to showcase each student's mastery of spoken Chinese they have learned from the school and celebrate the coming of holiday season. Though it's not mandatory, we encourage every student to participate and have funs together. Pizzas and water will be provided free for students and students can use the school monies issued by their teachers to make some small purchases at the party. for past event photos, please visit school's Facebook page.

August 28, 2018 The school will be closed for Labor Day weekend (9/2) and the first AP Physics class will be on 9/9/18. For more up-to-date school days, please check our school calendar. For recent events and activity photos please visit our Facebook page.

June 5, 2016 我校举办首届学生华文知识比赛 ( 详情请见北美经济导报特约报道))。 The first Chinese Knowledge Contest was held at the End of School Year Party at Cooper Hall Auditorium on USF campus. The event was attended by 150+ students and parents; its goal was to make learning Chinese more fun and exciting at TBCS. For all TBCS event photos and public news, please visit our Facebook page at

Feb. 24, 2016 我校入选中国侨办北美“海外华文教育示范学校”;2016年2月24日, 天帕湾中文学校董事长余汉华先生应邀参加中国休斯顿总领事管举办的早餐会, 今年入选的华文学校有:休斯敦华夏中文学校、亚特兰大现代中文学校,休斯敦周洁晓慧舞蹈学校、奥斯汀长城中文学校、坦帕湾中文学校。有关华文教育示范学校的评选和学校名单,可参阅国侨办中国华文教育网

May 28, 2015 坦帕湾中文学校暨佛罗里达中华文化中心将在2015年6月-7月 暑期夏令营 以中文课程及中国文化学习为特色,辅之以室内运动、手工制作等活动,以减轻家长照顾孩子的负担,给学生提供交友、娱乐的机会,同时也能寓教于乐,丰富学生的暑期生活。

May 27, 2015 坦帕湾中文学校2014-15学年结业典礼暨2015年中文写作比赛发奖仪式2015年5月31日于中午12点至下午4:30于USF Cooper Hall 礼堂举行。TBCS 2015 Annual Award Ceremony and Talent Show is to be held on May 31, 2015 between 12 and 4:30 PM at USF Cooper Hall Auditorium Please preview the party program here..

August 22, 2014 坦帕湾中文学校暨佛罗里达中华文化中心将在2014年8月23日举行开幕典礼。。详情请 点击这里。。。

April 2, 2014 坦帕湾中文学校暨佛罗里达中华文化中心将在2014年6月-7月 暑期夏令营 以中文课程及中国文化学习为特色,辅之以室内运动、手工制作等活动,以减轻家长照顾孩子的负担,给学生提供交友、娱乐的机会,同时也能寓教于乐,丰富学生的暑期生活。

June 4, 2013 TBCS 2013 Student Essay Contest has been concluded successfully. The Contest Award Ceremony and 2nd Student Talent Show was held on Sunday June 2, 2013. Please click here to read about the event and winner list...

March 30, 2012 TBCS and My Bright Dream Studio are having their first joint Arts Contest, please visit our school news board for more details about the contest...

November 16, 2011 Tradition goes on - Tampa Bay Chinese School Fall 2011 Story Telling Festival will be held on Sunday, November 20th, 2011 at USF Cooper Hall, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Pay attention, this year the Festival location has been changed to USF Cooper Hall Room 103 (the same building where regular classes are held). click here for more details about the event..

May 8, 2011 Tampa Bay Chinese School will hold its 2011 annual Spring Party on May 21, 2011 at 15601 Lake Magdalene Blvd., Tampa, FL  33613, Tampa Bay Baptist Conference Center (pavilions #10,11, and 12). The event is to celebrate the end of school year, announce the 2011 Chinese Essay Contest results, and introduce the new administrative team of next school year. more detail..

Nov. 16, 2010 Tampa Bay Chinese School 5th Story Telling Festival is to be held on Sunday, November 21, 2010 at USF Lecture Hall. Please read school news board at school news and announcements for more details.

May 23, 2010 Tampa Bay Chinese School 2nd Chinese Essay "My Dream" Competition has concluded successfully. We had twice as many participants as last year's contest and the overall quality and breadth of submissions went far beyond our expectation. Please click here to view the winner list and click here to view award ceremony photos..

May 18, 2010 TBCS 2010 Student Writing Competition has concluded and the results will be announced at the TBCS Annual School Party on Saturday May 22, 2010 at Tampa Bay Baptist Conference Center.

March 10, 2010 Tampa Bay Chinese School will hold the Second Chinese Writing Competition this semester. We would like to invite all students at our school and in Tampa Bay area to participate in this event. It is a great opportunity for our kids to practice and polish their Chinese writing skills, show their talent and hard work, and share their life stories in Chinese. Click here to learn more details about the competition requirements and rules...

December 22, 2009 TBCS Spring 2010 class registration is scheduled between 12:40 PM and 4:30 PM on Sunday 1/10/2010 at USF Cooper's Hall 4th Floor. Students and parents are encouraged to register classes online at To register class offline or the traditional way, please click here to download the registration form, fill one form per student, then bring them to the registration desk on Sunday.

November 18, 2009 It's story time again! The annual TBCS story telling competition is scheduled to be held on November 22, 2008 (Sunday) at USF Lecture Hall. The event consists of two sessions; first session starts at 9:30 am and ends at 12:30 pm; the second session starts at 1:00 pm and ends at 3:00 pm. Pizzas and water will be served between 12:30 and 1:00 pm free of charge for all students, and $3 per person for all non-student attendants. Please click here to view story telling program detail and click here for the map of the location.
To view last year's story telling photos, click here.

August 6, 2009 TBCS Fall 2009 class registration and first day of school will be on Sunday 8/30/2009 12:40 PM to 4:30 PM at USF Cooper's Hall 4th Floor. Students and parents are encouraged to register classes online at To register class offline or the traditional way, please go here to download the registration form, fill one form per student, then bring them to the registration desk on Sunday 8/30/09.

January 9, 2009  Effectively January 11, 2009, TBCS will have a new administrative body headed by Christina Z. Feng. Christina (ZiZi) was an Assistant Principal of the school during the Fall 2008 semester and was elected in December 2008 by the Board of Directors of Tampa Bay Chinese School to take over the role of retiring school principal Dr. Jia Wang. Dr. Wang will remain in the Board as a member but will be released of daily administrative duties immediately as a school principal. We thank Jia Wang for his outstanding contribution to our school in the past year and half and welcome Christina Feng aboard the new leadership. To learn about school administrative staff and their roles, please visit about school page ..

January 8, 2009 TBCS Spring 2009 class registration is scheduled between 12:40 PM and 4:30 PM on Sunday 1/11/2009 at USF Cooper's Hall 4th Floor. Students and parents are encouraged to register classes online at To register class offline or the traditional way, please click here to download the registration form, fill one form per student, then bring them to the registration desk on Sunday.

November 25, 2008 TBCS Outstanding Student Award - This year's outstanding student award went to TBCS 12th Grader Ms Xi Yu. Xi has attended Tampa Bay Chinese School since age 6 and current is a senior at King High School. Congratulations to Xi for her outstanding achievement! Read more about Xi Yu through her recent essay...

November 16, 2008 The annual TBCS story telling competition is scheduled to be held on November 23, 2008 (Sunday) at USF Lecture Hall. The event consists of two sessions; first session (Early Dev, Adult class and Grade 1 through Grade 4) will begin on 9:00 am and end at 12:30 pm on Sunday monring; the second session (Grade 5 through Grade 12) will start on 1 PM and end at 4 PM. Pizzas and water will be served free of charge for all students, and $3 per person for all non-student attendants. Please click here to view story telling program detail and click here for the map of the location.
To view last year's story telling photos, click here.

March 25th, 2008 TBCS will hold 2008 Spring Picnic party at USF Riverfront Park on 4/6/2008 (Sunday) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We will have all kinds of fun activities for students and families. Let us get together to enjoy the fellowship and beautiful weather, and have some fun. Please mark your calendar and do not miss this important day.

Click here to view photos from previous TBCS parties held at Riverfront Park .

January 8, 2008 Spring Semester 2008 class registration and first day of class is Sunday January 13, 2008. Child class registration start at noon and adult class registration starts at 4:15 PM. Please visit Registration page for more details.

  • Sept. 2007 TBCS is now accepting applications for the Outstanding Student Award. The program, which started in 2005, has been established to to encourage Tampa Bay Chinese School students to involve actively in Chinese language curriculum and support students toward their future educations and careers. Please continue here to read more about the award program.

School Hours:

1:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Sundays.


TBCS is located on 4th floor of Cooper Hall at University of South Florida (USF)